Helka sörfőzde

Kisüzemi sörök szerte a Balaton körül!


Történetünk / A sörfőzde

A Helka fő célja, hogy balaton-parti sörfőzdeként a tó környékét lássa el minőségi kisüzemi sörökkel. A sörkertünk Balatonföldváron, közvetlenül a parton, 2021 nyarán kezdte meg működését. A kertet hamarosan leváltja a vele szembeni, egykori MÁV épületbe beköltöző főzde, amelynek csillogó üstjei már készen várják, hogy megtöltsük őket sörrel.
A sörfőzde területén egy folyamatosan üzemelő bárt is nyitunk, ahol minden sörünk frissen csapolva kóstolható, miközben a Balaton látványában gyönyörködünk.
A Helka alapitói (Tihanyi Fülöp és Kun Alex) korábban többek között a Hedon, a Pannonhalmi Apátsági Sörfőzde illetve a Hübris csapatát is erősítették, ők alkották meg alap szortimentünket is, amelybe tartozik egy harapható bajor búzasör, egy ivós Kölsch, és egy hamisítatlan IPA, amely hamarosan további izgalmas tételekkel egészül ki.


Helka Pub & Terasz

Söreinket 2021 nyarától főként saját sörkertünkben értékesítettük vendégeink nagy örömére, ezt követte 2024 áprilisától az egykori MÁV épületbe beköltöző főzde, amely előzetes jelentkezés alapján vezetett főzdetúrák keretében látogatható.
A sörfőzdéhez egy folyamatosan üzemelő bár is tartozik, ahol egyéb hűsítő ital mellett minden sörünk frissen csapolva kóstolható, miközben a Balaton látványában gyönyörködhetünk.

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Tihanyi Fülöp

I graduated from the Food Science program at Szent Istvan University in 2016 and I became a food engineer in the field of Beer and Liquor-making. I spent my internship at Hedon and Monyo breweries…

For my thesis I experimented with developing a method of growing yeast in-house that is applicable for small-scale breweries. In these experiments I conducted tests with a yeast family that is normally used for making kölsch-style beers. Once I was able to make a substantial amount, we hastily started making Kolsch at Monyo Brewery, since the guys there were also big fans of the style. The first 1000 liters (264 gallons) were gone in almost an instant, so, soon we were making 2000-liter batches and it became a regular supply. For a short period, I returned to my university to work as a faculty engineer, where I participated in developing new products for small breweries and a large beer factory as well, in the university’s own lab. After this I joined in starting up the brewery of the Pannonhalma Abbey and helped create the first recipes as manager and brewer. While working at home I had the opportunity to visit a couple Trappist breweries where I caught a glimpse of secrets of traditional brewing techniques. Creating Helka was a long-time dream of mine coming true, for the three of us to start a brewery in the Balaton region, making the local gastronomy more colorful with our beers.

KUN Alex

Kun Alex

Egy belgiumi utazással fertőződtem meg a sör szeretetével, és azóta is töretlenül ,,szenvedek” benne. 2011-ben határoztam el, hogy én is belevágok ebbe a szakmába és kezdtem otthon főzni, mindezt egy lekvárbefőző segítségével. 

I experimented a lot with wheat and of course Belgian beers. My love for the craft has led me to audition the then newly opened Monyo Brewery, where I became a member for a short time. Then I was delegated to Hedon that also had just opened, in Balatonvilágos. My love for the lake originates from this time, and it is when I decided to live and create by lake Balaton. I lived in England for a year where I also traveled the county of Devon, visiting tiny breweries and learning all the tricks from local brewers. I was called home by Hedon at this time to become the operations manager, which was my position up until the company was bought. After that I worked as operations manager at Fehér Nyúl (White Bunny) for a short period, then also as operations manager and technician at Hübris in Székesfehérvár. I have been to many breweries in the past 10 years to expand my knowledge and technical skills. Dóri Lakner It all started with an old, childhood friendship…After quite a few years of working in sales and even more years of event planning and operations, an evening phone call turned my peaceful little life upside down. I had only ever been the consumer of craft beer up to that point, to be exact, I had been taste-testing Alex’s beers since his jam-maker era, but I never thought I would one day work with him as well. My experience working in the cultural-event planning sphere prepared me very well for working with the guys in this very colorful job.


Lakner Dóri

It all started with an old, childhood friendship… :) After quite a few years of working in sales and even more years of event planning and operations, an evening phone call turned my peaceful little life upside down. I had only ever been the consumer of craft beer up to that point, to be exact, I had been taste-testing Alex’s beers since his jam-maker era, but I never thought I would one day work with him as well. 

My experience working in the cultural-event planning sphere prepared me very well for working with the guys in this very colorful job.


Dávid Sándor
Éppen betöltöttem a körülbelüli középkort amikor is eléggé át nem gondolt módon belekóstoltam egy újhullámos kisüzemi IPA-ba. Teljesen kifordultam magamból, hogy egy sör ilyen is lehet!

Within a year I was working for the same brewery first as a sales manager and shortly as the company manager, while I was finishing my second diploma in Corvinus University’s program of food industry, of course my focus being on beer. My world was turned upside down and this journey is still ongoing. I got my colleagues to get on this rollercoaster with me with the idea of creating our own brewery. They of course did not hesitate to say yes. Then we began the work and the years went by fast, so fast I soon just ended this short introduction. 


Helka Pub & Terasz


Sales and Operations




Brewery Manager

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